Emerge Counsel Coach


"My healing journey would not be possible without Rechelle. She is super knowledgeable and on point, but she also knows how to soothe a soul that is struggling in a way that is so precious and rare. I'm endlessly grateful for connecting with Rechelle when I did, and I am forever a fan of her work, her spirit, and her heart."

"Rechelle is a warm, generous spirited, and intuitive counselor. When at times we've pivoted according to my needs, she always has useful suggestions and resources to share. I appreciate both her insights, and her ability to help me draw on my own inner wisdom. That's the kind of empowerment support I look for in a therapist."

"Rechelle is a truly empathic and gifted therapist. I felt like she was really present with me during our sessions together, and her expertise really helped me during some difficult times in my life. I really enjoyed her holistic approach and ability to consider mind, body and spirit - this is really important to me and has helped me where many other therapies have failed. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her skills to anyone in need."

"Rechelle has been my go to person whenever I've needed a logical perspective on any personal situation. She has an energy about her that makes you trust her instantly, and after that your thoughts just flow, almost like you're talking to a friend. She has helped me understand my own self better, and that has led to me being able to deal with things in my life in a much better and pragmatic way. I don't think I could have found a better person for my mental well-being."​

S.G., Australia

"Rechelle is one of the best listeners I have EVER met. She is kind and asks the most thought-provoking questions. Her ability to make you feel comfortable and open up without feeling pushed or judged is what makes her so special. I look forward to my sessions with Rechelle and would highly recommend her to anyone who is going through a hard time. Sessions with her have helped me tremendously, and I am very appreciative toward her for being so caring and patient with me."

"I've had some deep-seated issues starting from late my childhood that needed addressing. This was something I never received adequate support or appropriate counseling for, despite many attempts with a variety of counselors, until I connected with Rechelle at Emerge. Several conversations later and with no time wasted, I can comfortably say that I am a completely emotionally-well woman in her forties, moving forward having come to terms with my past, with the best counseling I have ever received. Thank you, Rechelle - You really have changed the quality of my life, and every today and tomorrow are beautiful because of your kind and caring energy and support. Ever grateful."

S.C., Delhi​

"From my sessions with Rechelle, I have noticed a significant perspective shift which is personally benefitting me immensely. Rechelle is really insightful, non-judgmental, and makes one feel at ease while communicating. She provides a safe space to openly talk and address any underlying issues... The best part of the therapy are the follow-up emails proposing certain exercises, which don't let me lose focus on my priorities and goal of seeking therapy. My sessions have helped me feel more motivated, self-aware, and less insecure. I gladly recommend Rechelle!"

P.M., Gurgaon, India

"I’ve been dealing with depression and anxiety for a quite number of months. I was advised by my psychiatrist to begin sessions with Ms. Rechelle, and it has been one of the best decisions I took to help myself. I have to applaud Ms. Rechelle for her work ethic, deep understanding of my needs and issues, and for giving me the ray of hope that I can overcome this... Not only is she commendable in her work, but she’s very empathetic and caring about her clients. I absolutely loved her passion for whatever she does. I would highly recommend her because she can actually help you in any way you need and I am very glad I had the chance to be her client."

P.M., India

"Before I started my therapy with @emergecounselcoach I was so unaware about my trauma and my involuntary responses to day-to-day events as a result of everything I've been through. I remember my therapist would always ask me to be kind to myself, be compassionate because I've been through a lot, but I never could understand the concept of loving oneself, thoughts like "How does one even love themselves? How is one compassionate to one's own trauma and everything they've been through? How do I be kind to myself, what does it even mean? Overwhelmed the fuck out of me.

And after a year of extensive therapy and hard work on self-growth, here I am, ..... with absolute compassion and empathy for everything this girl ....has been through...."


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